
Formula 1 Wants Up to $2.5 Million from Vegas Casinos for Track View


Lina Almans

28 July 2023

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casino, Vegas Casinos

Formula 1 is asking for a pretty penny from the Vegas casinos and other venues along the racetrack for the right to watch the Las Vegas Grand Prix live.

According to The New York Post, the Formula 1 management is charging $1,500 per person for the privilege of letting their guests watch the competition from their windows or balconies.

For venues with a capacity of more than 1,500 people, the license to view the Grand Prix will cost $2.25 million, no matter how many guests actually want to watch the races.

If the venues don’t cough up the money, the Formula 1 organizers are ready to take physical measures to block the view of the track, such as putting up barricades or shining bright lights that would ruin the sightlines.

A representative from one of the local casinos confirmed the news and added:

“It seems insane that they are asking money for a public event that is taking place in the streets.”

The Las Vegas Grand Prix is set to start in November 2023.