Mexico’s Online Gambling Boom: 70% Growth Expected in 3 Years
Xenia Luch
15 January 2024
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A new report by the Mexican gambling industry association, AIEJA, predicts a huge surge in the online gaming market in the next three years. The report says the online gaming sector will grow by 70% due to the government’s crackdown on the offline sector.
In November, Mexico amended its Federal Law on Gambling and Lotteries, putting a stop to new permits for gambling establishments and reviewing existing ones. This means that no more brick-and-mortar casinos will open in the country, and some may even close down.
Miguel Ángel Ochoa, President of AIEJA, expressed his concern about the new regulations that limit the offline gambling sector in Mexico. He said, “It [the government] practically prohibits the opening of new halls in the country, and this implies that there could be no more gaming halls in the future”.
Ochoa projected that the online gaming market would grow by 70% by 2027, reaching a revenue of $4.63 billion.
Currently, about 17.3% of Mexicans with internet access gamble online. The industry expects that number to rise to 31.6 million by 2028, as more people switch from offline to online gambling.