Cyprus Rolls Out Self-Exclusion Platform for Gamblers
Xenia Luch
23 February 2024
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Cyprus has rolled out a new platform that lets players ban themselves from gambling, as reported by Gambling Insider.
The platform, called the National Self-Exclusion Platform (PSC), was created by the National Betting Authority as part of its Safer Gambling Strategy 2022–2025.
Players can now choose to stop gambling on any licensed gambling platform in the country. They can set their own self-exclusion period, from a few days to forever.
While they are self-excluded, players can only access their account at a bookmaker/casino to withdraw their money. They can’t place any bets or open a new account.
The platform is similar to one that was launched in Australia last August. Statistics showed that most Australians who signed up for the platform opted for a lifetime ban.