Study: women who win the lottery more likely to get divorced
Lina Almans
21 June 2022
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According to a study by Swedish researchers, winning the lottery can have a significant impact on one’s family life, SBS News reports. Specifically, the gender of the winner plays a role in the likelihood of divorce.
The study showed that women who win the lottery are twice as likely to get divorced within two years of their big win.
One interpretation is that the windfall may accelerate the dissolution of marriages that are already in trouble.
On the other hand, although a lottery wins may offer women an economic opportunity to leave their families, men who win the lottery experience the opposite effect: within 10 years of their win, their likelihood of getting divorced decreases by 40%.
In addition to reducing the risk of divorce for those who are already married, a big win in the lottery may also increase the likelihood of marriage for single men.
Statistically, an unmarried man who wins big is 30% more likely to start out a family.
The results of the study, which analyzed data from a 10-year period following lottery wins of $144,000 or more, suggest that an increase in financial prosperity can make men more attractive as partners.