
Google’s Epic Fail: Northern Ireland Village Mistaken for Las Vegas


Xenia Luch

27 September 2023

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Google, the internet giant, made a huge blunder when it confused a tiny Irish village with the Sin City of Las Vegas. When users searched for Mallusk, a village in Northern Ireland with just over 4,000 people, Google showed them stunning night-time photos of Las Vegas. According to Google, this was Mallusk. The mistake was even more glaring as a map showing the village’s correct location was right next to the wrong images.


The media asked the locals what they thought of the mix-up, and they joked that they had some things in common with Las Vegas, such as a highway, bright lights (from traffic lights), and even some betting shops. But Mallusk only has one betting shop, along with a few bars and 12 stores — not quite as glamorous as Las Vegas. So they figured they must be different places after all.

Google’s error was likely caused by its artificial intelligence system, which analyzes the text in the user’s query and matches it with images that have similar descriptions. The system then picks the best quality images from the initial set.

So it’s possible that the word “Mallusk” was somehow linked to the Las Vegas photos or the website they came from. These photos might have replaced the right ones because they looked better.